2024-25 Athletic Opportunities
Have you heard about the athletic opportunities for our 2024-25 school year? Read on below for more details!
Madison Area Homeschool Sports (MAHS) - The Madison Tigers compete with other homeschool teams, private schools, and occasionally public schools from around the state.
Practices are in the Madison area but games are around the state with mostly other homeschool teams. The competition is legit, the coaches are committed to the ministry and it is an exciting step for ICA!
- Co-Ed Soccer (fall), grades 6-12
- Girls Volleyball (Aug-Oct)
- Boys and Girls Basketball (Oct-Mar)
- Boys Volleyball (Feb-Apr)
Let us know if you have any questions at office@icahs.org and we will do our best to answer them!
Holy Family Warriors Cross Country is an independent club that competes in cross country invitationals around the state which include mostly WIAA sanctioned teams. Since they are invitationals, the WIAA cannot restrict competition to member schools.
If you would like to learn more about Holy Family Warriors XC please reach out to our principal Rob Westerlund, rwesterlund@icahs.org. Thank you!
We are applying to be a WIAA Independent School with our own sports such as cross-country, volleyball, basketball, track, softball, golf, and more as we grow enrollment. Stay tuned!
An Athlete's Prayer: "God, let me play well, but fairly. Help me to learn something that matters once the game is over. Let competition make me strong, but never hostile. Always let me help my opponent up. Never catch me rejoicing in the adversity of others. If I know victory, allow me to be happy; if I am denied, keep me from envy. Remind me that sports are just games. If through athletics I set an example, let it be a good one."